to (happen to) see
見 み
見せるto showお見舞いcalling on someone who is ill花見cherry-blossom viewing見えるto be in sight見つかるto be discovered見つけるto discover見送りseeing one off見事splendid見舞いenquiry見るto see見送るto see off見下ろすto overlook見掛けoutward appearance見出しheading見付かるto be found見付けるto be familiar見直すto look again見慣れるto become used to seeing見本sample見舞うto ask after (health)見合いformal marriage interview見合わせるto exchange glances見落とすto overlook見掛けるto (happen to) see見方viewpoint見苦しいunsightly見込みhope見すぼらしいshabby見せびらかすto show off見せ物show見っともないshameful見積りestimation見通しperspective見逃すto miss見晴らしview見舞enquiry見渡すto look out over余所見looking away
掛 か
掛けるto hang somethingお目に掛かるto meet (someone of higher status) (humble)掛かるto take (e.g. time)追い掛けるto chase or run after someoneお出掛けabout to start out掛け算multiplication腰掛けseat腰掛けるto sit (down)出掛けるto depart通り掛かるto happen to pass by話し掛けるto accost a person引っ掛かるto be caught in見掛けoutward appearance呼び掛けるto call out to掛けcredit切っ掛けchance差し掛かるto come near to仕掛けdevice仕掛けるto commence引っ掛けるto hang (something) on (something)見掛けるto (happen to) see寄り掛かるto lean against