思い出すto remember思うto think思い出memories思わずunintentional思い掛けないunexpected思い込むto be under impression that思いっ切りwith all one's strength思い付くto think of思い付きplan片思いunrequited love
出 で
出かけるto go out出口exit出るto appear思い出memories出会いmeeting出会うto meet by chance出来事incident出来るto be able to出来るだけif at all possibleお出掛けabout to start out出合いan encounter出入りin and out出入口exit and entrance出掛けるto depart出来上がりbe finished出来上がるto be finished出迎えmeeting出迎えるto meet日の出sunrise家出running away from homeお目出度うCongratulations!出合うto meet by chance出入り口exit and entrance出来物able man出切るto be out of出くわすto happen to meet出鱈目irresponsible utterance出直しadjustment申出proposal申し出るto report to