year before last
一 いっ
一緒together一生懸命with utmost effort一家a house一種a species一瞬a moment一生whole life一層much more一体one object一致coincidence一般general一方on the other hand一昨日day before yesterday一昨年year before last一斉simultaneous一旦once一定fixed一括all together一気drink!(said repeatedly as a party cheer)一挙にat a stroke一切all一心one mind一帯a region一敗one defeat一変complete change
年 ねん
去年last yearさ来年year after next万年筆fountain pen来年next year少年boys青年youth年間year年月months and years年中whole year年代age年齢age一昨年year before last学年year in school再来年year after next青少年youth生年月日birth date中年middle-aged年度year元年first year (of a specific reign)成年majority定年retirement age年鑑yearbook年号name of an era年生pupil in .... year年長seniority年輪annual tree ring