Radical list by meaning

A radical (部首) is a component of a kanji that indicates the meaning. Here is a list of radicals that the JLPT kanji contain. They are classified into groups like nature, human, artificate, etc. Each radical's variants and meanings are provided, like 水 (氵氺) means "water".

Radical, variant, meaning

Nature🌕 sun🌙 mooneveningmountain💧 水 (氵氺)waterice🌧️ rainsteam🔥 火 (灬)firesoil, earthstonehole, cave广cliff cliff
Plant艸 (艹)grass🌳 木 (朩)tree, wood🌾 grain麥 (麦)wheatrice竹 (𥫗)bamboo
Animal🐛 insect, bug🐟 fish🐕 犬 (犭)dog🦌 鹿deer🐮 牛 (牜)cow羊 (⺷⺶)sheep🐎 horse🐖 pig🐦 bird🐦 bird
Human人 (亻𠆢)person老 (耂)old agechildwoman, female
Bodya bodyheadhair hanging long👁 eye👄 mouth👅 tongue, reed🦷 齒 (歯)tooth👂 ear❤️ 心 (忄⺗)heart, mind手 (扌)hand🤏 right hand🦶 足 (𧾷)footfoot🦴 bone歹 (歺)bare bone肉 (月)meatangle, corner爪 (爫)claw, hand in claw formfeathersfur, hairmoney
Actionsee食 (飠)eat, food言 (訁)sayyawningstand uprun辵 (辶)run, walkloiter, goinggoing, journeyenter, insert攴 (攵)striketo pick
Artifactdagger-axe (an ancient weapon)an ancient weapon made of bamboobowarrowspicy, bitter刀 (刂)knife, saberaxea farm tool like ploughtiledishan ancient wine vesselboxvessel玉 (王𤣩)jade金 (釒)mentalcarboat, ship网 (罒)net
Clothleather, skinsilk衣 (衤)clothestowel
Architecture阜 (阝)hill, mound邑 (阝)cityenclosurehousegate戶 (戸)door示 (礻)sacrificial altar
Otherrice fieldtenworklong stridehair ornamentarrivesound, noise己 (已巳)selfhalf wooddivine to tell fortunebirthcraft, constructionghost, devil襾 (覀)coversickpower, strength